Handwerk & Kultur
in Marokko
25.04. - 10.05.2020 * NUR 6 PLÄTZE
Südküste Marokko
16 Tage 15 Nächte
950€ p.P.
Ich gebe dir den Raum, die Motivation, den Austausch, Tipps, Impulse und Werkzeuge, kreativ zu sein: Dich mit deiner kreativen Stimme zu verbinden, dein Herz (laut!) sprechen zu lassen, genauer hinzuhören und mehr daraus zu machen. Egal, wie alt du bist oder welchen Lebensweg du gewählt hast, ob Kreativität zu deinem Beruf gehört, dein Hobby ist, oder du dir einfach wünschst, öfter kreativ zu sein - ich verspreche dir: Sobald du Platz für deine Kreativität schaffst, kommt sie auch zum Vorschein.
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Das Erlebnis
Kreatives Schreiben in Tafraoute
Learn about natural dyeing with cochinilla, a pre-Hispanic process using cactus juice and insects to create red pigment. We will create dye vats of our own to dye thread and other fabrics.
M’Barak Schuster & Geschichtenerzähler
Learn about natural dyeing with cochinilla, a pre-Hispanic process using cactus juice and insects to create red pigment. We will create dye vats of our own to dye thread and other fabrics.
Kultur mit Mehdi in Imsouane
Learn about natural dyeing with cochinilla, a pre-Hispanic process using cactus juice and insects to create red pigment. We will create dye vats of our own to dye thread and other fabrics.
Learn about natural dyeing with cochinilla, a pre-Hispanic process using cactus juice and insects to create red pigment. We will create dye vats of our own to dye thread and other fabrics.
Souk und lokale Marktbesuche
Learn about natural dyeing with cochinilla, a pre-Hispanic process using cactus juice and insects to create red pigment. We will create dye vats of our own to dye thread and other fabrics.
Kochabend mit Local
Learn about natural dyeing with cochinilla, a pre-Hispanic process using cactus juice and insects to create red pigment. We will create dye vats of our own to dye thread and other fabrics.
Galerien und Künstlerwerkstätten
Learn about natural dyeing with cochinilla, a pre-Hispanic process using cactus juice and insects to create red pigment. We will create dye vats of our own to dye thread and other fabrics.
Auswandern nach Marokko
Learn about natural dyeing with cochinilla, a pre-Hispanic process using cactus juice and insects to create red pigment. We will create dye vats of our own to dye thread and other fabrics.
Foto- und Streetarttour durch die Gassen von Essouira
Learn about natural dyeing with cochinilla, a pre-Hispanic process using cactus juice and insects to create red pigment. We will create dye vats of our own to dye thread and other fabrics.
Every human has an innate ability to create. We honor this artistry by encouraging newfound artists to create, as well as supporting communities who have been at their craft for generations.
Our trips show participants firsthand the effort that goes into making the goods they purchase, allowing them to cultivate an appreciation for the intricacies of the craft. This knowledge allows consumer values to shift from quantity to quality.
It is through our diversity that we recognize our unity. As the world becomes more connected and globalized, it also becomes more homogenous. By sharing knowledge surrounding traditional craftsmanship, Thread Caravan works to honor and preserve unique heritage craft techniques and the people behind them.
Thread Caravan workshops serve as a bridge between cultures. Both teachers and students learn from one another, sharing similarities and differences in artistic skill, design preference, language, and cultural background.
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Alles auf einen Blick
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Preis + Zahung
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Im Preis enthalten
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Im Preis nicht enthalten
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Ankunft und Rückreise
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Zusätzliche Informationen
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Buchungsbedingungen und Konditionen
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Deine Begleiter
Hover Box Element
Hover Box Element
Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Hover Box Element
Hover Box Element
Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.